Carla’s Skydive
“I’m Carla Ray-Smith, I’m 32 years old and I live in Gloucestershire with my husband and 2 cats. I have always been an animal lover, especially Wild Animals.
I started watching the TV show Monkey Business when I was young and still watch now, with its new name, Monkey Life. I love the amazing work everyone on the show does, Alison is like the Guardian Angel of All Primates, going around the world and rescuing them all! Jeremy is my hero, his relationship with Amy, I’m in awe.
I believe animal conservation is a serious matter, and something I believe is so important for future generations, these creatures need protecting, especially as it’s mainly because of the actions of humans that they need protecting in the first place!!
The thought of a world where there are no longer wild primates and you can only see these wonderful animals from behind glass saddens me deeply, after all they were here WAY before we were, I’d like to be able to keep them here, LONG after I’m gone!
For the past 5 years I’ve had health issues that I’m thankfully now getting the correct treatment for. Doing this Skydive is as much about helping these wonderful animals, as it is about me proving I can get back on my feet, be brave and start to see life for the wonder that it is! The show monkey life got me through some terrible days curled up on the sofa, the least I can do is chuck myself out of an aeroplane at 15,000ft to return the favour…..”
To sponsor Carla then visit her fundraising page by clicking here